Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Student Loan Consolidation Rate Means Lower Monthly Payments

After you have graduated from college or university, it will be time to start paying off your student loans. Since federal student loans are applied for each year, by the time you graduate, you will have several loans at various interest rates. A student loan consolidation makes perfect sense in this case.

By making a choice to apply for a student loan consolidation, a better rate of interest on the outstanding loan can be locked. The former student will also benefit from lower payments each month. This is important for individuals who are just starting their careers.

In addition to the benefits of a lower interest rate, a student loan consolidation makes sense from the point of view of the individuals credit rating. When you choose to sign the documentation for a student loan consolidation (at any rate), your credit report will show that you have paid off all those outstanding student loans.

When your credit report shows that you have fewer outstanding loans (multiple student loans are replaced by one loan), the number of your credit score will go up. For future loans, a good credit score is vital to getting a better interest rate. Consider a student loan consolidation for this reason.

How to Apply for a Consolidation Loan

The first step in applying for a student loan consolidation is to fill out and submit the required application form. The application can be filled out either online or in a paper format. Once the application has been reviewed and approved, the lender will request payoff statements for each loan to be consolidated.

It can take some time for the consolidation lender to receive these payoff statements, so it is important that the former student continue to make the regular monthly payments on all student loans until the consolidation loan can be processed.

Once the interest rate and the student loan consolidation have been approved, a new federal loan will be taken out in the borrower's name.

All of the previous student loans will be paid off completely. The former student will have the advantage of making one payment each month. The new payment will be lower, which will free up some cash in the monthly budget for other things.

If the borrower chooses to make these new monthly payments by way of an automatic withdrawal from his or her checking account, it is possible that he or she may be eligible for a lower interest rate on the student loan consolidation.

Student Loan Consolidation Rates - It Pays To Shop Around

In order to repay them within the ten year period most loan programs favor, the monthly payments are often expensive - more expensive than most people can afford, especially six months after graduating.

Consolidators go after recent college graduates much like credit card companies go after recent entrants into adulthood (aka people who have turned eighteen). With all of those options it's easy to get confused and frustrated and give up on the process.

But why repay more than is owed? Interest rates are one thing, getting a paycheck every month certainly feels like another. This article serves to help recent Grads determine what the best student loan consolidation rates are.

Student Loan Consolidation - More Popular Than Ever

Is it any wonder that student loan consolidation has become so popular? Not long after that six month grace period mark passes, the postcards and "official" offers start showing up in the Graduate's mailbox. Each offer promises a better rate than the last. It's hard to tell the "shady" loan programs apart from the legitimate programs.

The best place to find a consolidator for your student loan is by calling whichever student loan organization you send your payments through. Sallie Mae and ACS are two of the most widely used student loan programs. They usually have several options ready and waiting for the Graduate to explore.

The banks and lenders offering student loan consolidation rates through these larger programs are obviously legitimate and will probably make the consolidation process much easier than outside loan programs would.

Internet Sources Of Student Loan Consolidation Deals

Another option when looking for student loan consolidation rates is the Internet. Student Doc offers a number of resources for students and graduates including information on student loan consolidation rates.

This website offers a review program for the best and worse consolidation programs. It talks about the various types of financial aid you may have accumulated and gives a great overview of Student related debt.

Another site that goes into detail about options about student loan consolidation rates is a site called FinAid. It goes over the basic options available to recent college graduates and talks about the pros and cons of consolidation. It gives easy to understand information on interest rates and who is eligible for consolidation.

Check Thoroughly for The Best Consolidation Deals

Whatever method is chosen for consolidating student loans, it's important to research all of the options that are available. It's easy to take the first offer that comes along, but the first offer might not be the best, it might just have been the fastest to travel through the student's grapevine.

Student loan consolidation offers are sort of like the credit card offers that start showing up after a person's eighteenth birthday.

They are all tempting, but it's important to take care and consideration before settling on a repayment route. There are so many variables when it comes to consolidation rates that it is easy for people to get confused and frustrated.

There are lots of options available out there. Happy researching!

Online Student Loan Consolidation Methods

It is commonplace for students to avail of student’s loan, considering the increasing expenditure incurred on education. Generally, students utilize more than one loan programs and eventually end up with paying many installments every month. Since different loan agencies have different interest rates and period of repayment and other related conditions, it becomes absolutely necessary to consolidate all such loans into one to at least reduce the tension and burden.

When so many installments have to be paid every month, it is a distraction for the student and they would not be able to focus on their education, instead. They would be spending a sufficient number of hours on checking the various installments to be paid for that month and writing checks. Therefore student loan consolidation takes all the loans together and puts them under one single loan which makes repayment process more convenient. The student saves a lot of time and money by making only one loan every month.

To get the best rate in student loan consolidation, the student has to have good credit rate. When the credit score is above 660, the chances of getting a student loan consolidation are very high. The Internet helps in finding the best student loan consolidation program and also assists in calculating the credit rate of a student.

Fundamentally, the student loan consolidation rates are based on the financial situation of the student and the credit score-less than 600 credit score is considered to be not so good. Some of the other ways of getting a student loan consolidation is by refinancing, home equity loan or home mortgage.

There are many benefits of availing student loan consolidation. Primarily, it lowers the monthly installment to be paid by more than fifty percent. The student needs to pay only one installment per month as against many, for multiple loans. Sometimes, fixed interest rates can be very beneficial with some federal student loans. It is also feasible to extend the period of repayment even up to thirty years, which would give a breathing time to focus on the career rather than worrying always about the monthly installment to be paid.

There is no need to offer any credit card check or processing fee for student loan consolidation. In fact, the payment plans can be conveniently chosen according to the financial needs of the student since the terms are very flexible. There is no need to pay any upfront fee for a student loan consolidation.

Now it is possible to consolidate student loans online also and it offers the advantage of researching and finding the best rates among all programs. But a student loan should be consolidated only if it is lower than the current interest rate.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Federal Student Consolidation Loans V/s Private Student Consolidation Loans

If you want to save the amount paid as interest for your various loan bills, it is a wise decision to go for consolidation of loans. As a student, you may have taken numerous loans for educational purposes, consolidating them and paying one single monthly payment is a great idea.

Private Student Consolidation Loans

Sometimes private loans are taken by students to supplement federal loans that are inadequate for covering educational expenses. Private student consolidation loan is of variable interest rate, the student's credit rating is under scanner for private consolidation loans. All previous loans are consolidated into one major monthly payable loan. The minimum consolidation required for private consolidation loan is $7,500 and maximum amount comes up to $150, 000.

Borrowers with good credit score could get private loans with low interest rate. A co-signer with superior credit rating may also acquire low APR private loans. Undergraduate students can receive a long repayment term of more than 20 years with low monthly pay schemes.

Federal Student Consolidation Loans

Federal student consolidation loans have lower interest rates and monthly payments. The interest rate is fixed and constant. There is no credit checking or application charges prior to a federal consolidation loan sanction. Students could cut their monthly payments by nearly 50% with a federal consolidation loan. It is the best chance to improve on credit ratings. Students can apply for federal consolidation loans even during their grace period.

Federal consolidation loans is flexible, the students can make larger payments when they have more money with them, thus reducing the repayment term. Federal loan consolidation can include popular loan companies such as Parent PLUS loan consolidation; HEAL loans, Federal FFELP, etc.

Federal loans for students have lower interest rates in comparison to the private student loans. These federal consolidated loans are subject to government influenced subsidized interest pay rates during the time of enrollment and adjournment. The federal loans have fixed interest rates and fees amount, the lender cannot increase them. Federal loans are immensely beneficial for borrowers.

While federal loans could be included in private loan consolidation, private loans are not considered by federal loan consolidators. For college loan consolidation, there is no need to be working or employed. There is no need for collateral security or co-signer with you. Students find consolidation of loans as a good and convenient option, but it is advisable not to combine federal and private loans for acquiring consolidated private loans. Best consolidation student loan rates can be acquired even through online application with a reputable company. You have to fill in the loan application page and within a day or two, the particular finance company agents contact you via email, telephone or in person.

Student Consolidation Loan Checklist

now is the time to begin preparations for your student consolidation loan. You have a six month grace period after graduation before payments begin, but the consolidation loan application process can take several weeks, especially if you haven't gathered all your loan information and decided on a lender.

Inventory your student loans. Make a list of all your loans, including type of loan, lender, the amount of your loans, interest rates and the amount of your payments. Review your loan documents, contact your lenders or loan servicers or go to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) website. If you don't know your PIN (Personal Identification Number) to log in, you will have to request a new one and it will be mailed to you. Expect to wait a week or two for the PIN to arrive, so best to get it done early.

Calculate Your Current Monthly Payments If you are already in a repayment status, you will know your exact monthly payments. However if you are still in school or in your grace period, you should estimate your monthly non-consolidated loan payment based on the current interest rates and your loan balance. You can also check your estimated payment amounts by contacting your lenders or loan servicers.

Budget? What's a Budget? Though many people wander through life from paycheck to paycheck without knowing where their money is going, you really need to set up a budget to see if student loan consolidation is for you. Once you have that first job, determine a reasonable amount of your income that can be allocated to your student loan payments. This percentage should be based on a realistic budget. Then see if the estimated loan payment amounts you calculated above will fit into your budget.

If your estimated or actual payment exceeds that monthly budgeted amount, reevaluate your income and outflow. Can you trim any areas of your budget? Can you increase your income?

If it's a short term issue (expected raise in pay, getting a part time job, etc.), consider your deferment or forbearance options.

However, if there is no light at the end of the tunnel, it is time to consider consolidating your student loans.

Select loans for consolidation. Determine which of your loans are eligible for federal consolidation. A listing of the loans that can be consolidated in addition to Stafford and Perkins can be found at Eligible Consolidation Loans.

Private student loans are not eligible to be consolidated through the Federal consolidation programs.

You might lose some discharge (cancellation) benefits or deferment benefits if you include certain types of loans in your consolidation loan like Federal Perkins Loans, for example. You can contact the holders of your loans to find out what the impact of consolidation will be on your current benefits.

Consolidate Your Loans Try going through the Federal Direct Loan Consolidation Program. You can make the application online.

If you have graduated, but are still in the grace period, start the consolidation process approximately two months before the end of the grace period. This will allow enough time to have your consolidation loan processed before the grace period expires, yet not so early that you lose too much of your grace period if you have a FFEL consolidation loan. (If you consolidate FFEL loans during the grace period, you will give up whatever portion of your grace period remains. You retain all of your grace period, however, if you get a Direct Consolidation Loan.) Some FFEL lenders offer to hold disbursement of consolidation loans until the end of the grace period to enable borrowers to minimize their interest rate and maximize their grace period. Check with your lender to be certain.

Keep in mind that if you consolidate during your grace period, you can lock in an interest rate at least a half percent lower than the current repayment rate. Many lenders will give you a discounted rate if you sign up for electronic payment and also for making a certain number (usually 36) of ontime payments.

When filling out the consolidation application, make sure you provide complete and correct address information, include two references, and sign the promissory note. Miss any of these and you will delay the processing of your application.

Help for those seeking to go bankrupt in York

Bankruptcy is often seen as the last resort in solving any debt issues, but I do not subscribe to this. In a related article I will take you through the pros and cons of bankruptcy, and the myths of an IVA which is often touted as the debt solution to take. Please read these and it will become apparent that bankruptcy has been and remains a far more utilised debt solution than the IVA.

The consequences of becoming bankrupt may mean you lose your house, it could prevent you from pursuing certain careers and, for example, prevent you from becoming a company director for the period of time that you are bankrupt. Having said that, the severity and stigma of bankruptcy has lessened over time and it is now far more acceptable than it used to be. This year some 80,000 individuals will become bankrupt.

Bankruptcy can be a daunting experience. There are however companies such as mine that specialise in taking customers through the bankruptcy process, even attending court with you if necessary. Faced with a statement of affairs of 35 pages which needs to be completed in triplicate can be an unnerving proposition. Advice from an expert as to whether bankruptcy is the right route, and then someone to fill in the forms and help you file them at court and then attend with you is something to be considered, especially when I can help you keep your house and your income.

How do I know if I need to pursue the bankruptcy option?

The easy way to find out is to call an expert debt advisor. They will, very quickly, get to understand your current financial position and advise the best way to solve your situation. The conversation is completely confidential, free of charge and without obligation. You should choose someone who is not allied to either a Debt management company or an IVA firm such as me I will give impartial advice not the solution which makes me the most commission.

What is bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy means that all your debts (subject to a very few minor exceptions) are written off on the instant you are made bankrupt. If you have disposable income you may be required to pay this to the Official Receiver for a maximum of three years. However part of what I do is to configure your disposable income to reduce as much as possible the potential of having to make income payments. You will generally be discharged from bankruptcy in a year or less. If you have equity in your property or valuable assets you may have to release these to the Official Receiver. Although in the vast majority of cases I have seen this year, with very little if any equity in property, homes can be transferred from the Official Receiver back to the bankrupt or his or her spouse for his fees, of about £400.

Three Pros of Debt Consolidation

Unsecured debt in this country has run rapid over the last few decades. Easy access to credit (mostly credit cards) and effortless payment options at retailers has helped propel this growing trend.

If managed properly, this issue should not have an overly negative impact on individual household finances or on our country as a whole. One of the most important aspects of credit is that individuals or businesses can leverage continued and ongoing income to make purchases now that normally would take years to save for.

But, over the last 18 months of so, high individual debt burdens have not only place too large a weight on declining personal income but has adversely effect our economy at large.

Further, large personal insecure debt balances also dramatically reduce credit scores making it nearly impossible to secure other types of financing like home mortgages, automobile loans or durable goods purchases.

While nearly all banks and other financial institutions have tightened their lending policies, they continuously state that while they do want to make loans to small businesses, they are not seeing very many qualified borrowers (mostly due to credit issues).

There are several avenues for both business owners and individuals to improve their credit; like consumer credit counseling or bankruptcy, but most are extremely long term and do much more harm in the beginning than they do in helping current situations - with one exception: Debt Consolidation.

The following outlines three pro of debt consolidation:

1) Lower your overall payments – combine your unsecured debt into one, low, affordable monthly payment making it easier to manage current debt payments.

2) Free up personal cash flow –reducing your current outlays means more money each month that can be spent on other needed items like rent, food and other necessities for daily living or business growth.

3) Improve your credit score – all credit scores are predicated on the ability to manage credit. By consolidating debt, making payments on time and accelerating the reduction of outstanding principal demonstrates, above all else, an individual’s ability to manage credit.

Therefore, if you or your business is looking to improve your current situation, access additional credit and improve your life or your company – then debt consolidation may be your answer. Getting your debt under control and improving your credit can better position you for the new opportunities that are lingering on the near horizon – but you have to act now.

Take control of your unsecured debt and take back control of your life!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Secured Debt Consolidation Loans: Manage your Debts Efficiently

If you are suffering from multiple debts all with high interest rate and want to get rid of them. Go for secured debt consolidation loans. Secured debt consolidation loans merge all your existing debts into one debt with lower interest rate that can be easily repaid. You will have to place collateral against the loan amount in order to avail secured debt consolidation loans.


Secured debt consolidation loans, as the name suggests are secured in nature. It means you need to pledge one of your properties as collateral with the lender. This can be any of your property like car, home, jewelry, important document etc. With the help of secured debt consolidation loans you can merge all existing debts into one debt with lower interest rate. This way you will have to pay interest rate on only one loan. Also you have to pay only one monthly installment instead of many. Your lender also negotiates with your previous creditors to lower the interest rate of your debts on your behalf. Financial experts on behalf of lender will advice your regarding how to manage debts, savings and expenditure, which loan to opt for etc. Secured debt consolidation loans can also be availed by people suffering from bad credit status. Lenders ignore the bad credit status of the borrower because they have the security for their money in the form of collateral.


Secured debt consolidation loans helps you merge all your debts into one debt. This way you an easily manage your debts. Also you have to pay smaller monthly installments. Secured debt consolidation loans carry low interest rate and flexible repayment duration and thus can be easily repaid. Lenders negotiates to your previous creditors to lower the interest rate of your debts,. With secured debt consolidation loans you can get rid of the nagging calls of your creditors. Instead you will be answerable to only one lender. Secured debt consolidation loans are also open to people suffering from bad credit history due to arrears, defaults, CCJ, IVA etc. Such people can increase their credit score by paying the loan installments regularly and on due time. Secured debt consolidation loans can be availed online also. Online method is very fast and the loan is approved within short period of time. Also it requires less paper work and is hassle free. You can get rid of your debts with the help of secured debt consolidation and lend a debt free life

Cheap Debt Consolidation Loan: Merge Multiple Debts Into One

Are you trapped in multiple debts and want to get rid of them? Cheap debt consolidation loan can be very useful for you. With Cheap debt consolidation loan you can merge your multiple debts into a single manageable debt with lower interest rate and flexible repayment duration.

With Cheap debt consolidation loan you can also merge all your credit cards into one credit card with zero or low interest rate. This way you just have to pay only one monthly installment instead of many. Also you can get rid of the nagging calls of your creditors. Instead you will be accountable to only one lender. Your lender will also negotiate with your previous creditors to lower the interest rates of your debts. Cheap debt consolidation loans can also be availed by people suffering from bad credit status due to arrears, defaults, CCJ, IVA etc. You can avail cheap debt consolidation loans at even lower interest rate by placing one of your properties as collateral.
Cheap debt consolidation loan are available in both the traditional forms namely, secured and unsecured cheap debt consolidation loan. If you want to avail large amount of money then secured cheap debt consolidation loan is best for you but in case you want to avail small amount of money you should opt for unsecured cheap debt consolidation loan. Secured Cheap debt consolidation loan can be availed by placing a security against the loan amount. This helps you to avail cheap debt consolidation loan at very low interest rate and with flexible repayment options. On the other hand unsecured cheap debt consolidation loan can be availed without placing any security but the loan amount is smaller and repayment duration shorter.
Search well before applying cheap debt consolidation loan. You can use internet to search for lenders. Download loan quotes from their websites for free and then compare between the offers of various lenders to choose the best one. You can also apply online to avail cheap debt consolidation loan. For this you just need to fill up an online application form mentioning details like the type of loan you want to avail, your contact details etc. Cheap debt consolidation loans are the cheapest means of getting rid of your multiple debts.

Debt Consolidation Loan: a Pristine Tool to Fight Multiple Debts

Problems are integrated part of one’s life. Everyone prefers to lead a life with lesser number of problems. One such problem concerning the financial aspect is multiple loans where in you have to deal with variety in terms of lenders and the loan amount. More often than not you fail to handle these, thus burgeoning the crisis. Debt consolidation is one solution to put the lid on Pandora’s Box.

Understanding debt consolidation loan

Debt consolidation loan is the consolidation of large number of loans to one loan. It is a secured loan and you need to place an asset as collateral. As there is an asset for collateralization, the interest rates are expected to be low.

Debt consolidation loan: Vital stats

Debt consolidation loans are for the consolidation of all the previous loans. So the amount that can be borrowed can be high. The amount that can be borrowed ranges from ₤3000 to ₤50000. The interest rates are low as the loans are secured ones. One can get loans for a fixed rate of 7.9% and it can be 10.9% if it is an unsecured loan. You can negotiate with the lender, as there are many lenders available for lending debt consolidation loans. The period of repayment is high for these loans. The period of repayment ranges from 5 years to 25 years through monthly installments. Once your details are verified, the amount will be credited in your personal account within 2 weeks

Usage of debt consolidation loans
Debt consolidation is advised when one is having credit card debt. People with large credit card debt can go for debt consolidation loans as credit cards have greater interest rates than an unsecured loan. One can use these loans as per his/her convenience. One can take advantage of its low interest rates and use the money for various purposes. Paying a single loan at a fixed rate becomes more economical than paying many loans at different interest rates.

One can find debt consolidation loan lenders on the Internet. The interest rates are also low. Remember that it is a secured loan, so make best possible use of the money and avoid running into one more debt consolidation loan.

Debt Consolidation Loan And The Problem That Go With It

What is a Debt Consolidation Loan? A debt consolidation loan is basically a loan taken to pay off other debts. This allows you to have only one payment each month, and typically saves you a lot of money on interest. There are many types of debt consolidation loans, but the most popular are personal loans or home refinancing mortgages.

The Problem With Debt Consolidation Loan: Most often, those seeking this type of loans have horrible credit due to the debt they are trying to consolidate. Basically, it is a viscous circle: you have debt, you need to consolidate, you can not because your credit is bad, you can not clear up the credit because you have debt, so you need to consolidate, etc. Even if you can find someone to give you a consolidate debt loans, you may wind up paying so much in interest due to your bad credit score that you actually do not save any money by consolidating the debt.

So Why Get a Debt Consolidation Loan? Even though interest rates may be high and you may not save any money by getting a consolidation loan, you can still benefit from it. This is due to the way that credit scoring works. Items posted to your credit report as slow pays will remain on the report for up to seven years, even if you pay them. However, unpaid debt on your credit report severely lowers your credit score. Basically, even if you have slow pays on your credit report, you will have a better score if the item is paid off. Additionally, items renew the seven year mark each time you make a payment, so by paying the original creditor bit by bit, you are actually prolonging the amount of time that the slow pay will show on your credit report. Getting a debt consolidation loan to pay all of your current debts will raise your score a bit, and make it easier to clean up your credit faster.

Before You Get A Debt Consolidation Loan: Before taking on a debt consolidation loan, you need to take a close look at several factors. First, make a list of all of your current debt and the interest rates that you currently pay. Secondly, look at the types of debt consolidation loans you can qualify for, and make a list of all of the interest rates. Finally, total up the amount you will pay to clear the debt with and without the loan. This will help you determine if you will wind up paying more or less for your debt by consolidating. This is especially important if you have bad credit and are looking at very high interest rates.

A Consolidate Debt Loans Will Not Solve Everything: This is an important key to getting out of debt that many people ignore or do not understand. It is not enough to get a consolidation to clear up your debt. You have to examine how you got into debt in the first place. Typically, getting this far into debt is accomplished by spending more money than you make. In order to clear up your credit and stay out of debt after getting a consolidate debt loans, you need to take a close look at your expenses and income. Develop a budget and stick to it, using credit and credit cards as little as possible. This will help you to avoid having to get another debt consolidation loan within a year or two, as is common.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Student Debt Consolidation Loans: Taking Care of Numerous Debts While you Study

Student debt consolidation loans help you to consolidate all the debts availed for the purpose of higher studies into one with comparatively low interest rate. This way it becomes easier to pay for you and that too at low interest rate. Student debt consolidation loans are basically of two types, secured and unsecured.


Student debt consolidation loans help you to consolidate all the debts availed for the purpose of higher studies into one with comparatively low interest rate. This way it becomes easier to pay for you and that too at low interest rate. Student debt consolidation loans are basically of two types, secured and unsecured. To avail secured student debt consolidation loans you’ll have to place collateral against the loans amount. This can be any of your personal properties like car, home etc. On the other hand no such security is needed to avail an unsecured student debt consolidation loan. No credit check is required to avail student debt consolidation loans. It means students having bad credit history due to arrears, defaults, CCJ, IVA etc can also avail the benefits of student debt consolidation loans, but with slightly higher interest rate compared to good creditors. Student debt consolidation loans carry low interest because it’s meant for students. The interest rate may vary depending upon the type of loan availed by student and the credit history of the student. Unsecured student debt consolidation loans carry slightly higher interest rate than secured one, this is because lenders advance loans without any security.


Student debt consolidation loans are very helpful for students having multiple debts. It is very difficult to manage many debts all with high interest rates. With the help of student debt consolidation loans you can merge all your previous debts into one manageable debt with low interest rate. This way you can easily repay the loan installments. Interest rates for student debt consolidation loans are further reduced if you make regular payments of the loan installments. No credit check is required to avail student debt consolidation loans; students suffering from adverse credit history can also avail the benefits of student debt consolidation loans. You can choose a flexible repayment option depending upon your needs to repay the loan amount.


Visiting lenders to avail student debt consolidation loan personally can be very time taking. For faster approval and quicker transaction you should apply online. Online application has many benefits. You don’t have to meet lenders personally; it consumes less time, requires less paperwork and is approved in short period of time. You can also search for lenders offering student debt consolidation loans at reasonable interest rate. With the help of Internet you can download the loan quotes from various banks, financial institutions and lending firms and compare between them to choose the best one that suits your pocket. To apply online you just have to fill up an online application form. Lenders will then get back to you with their offers.

Debt Consolidation Loan And The Problem That Go With It

What is a Debt Consolidation Loan? A debt consolidation loan is basically a loan taken to pay off other debts. This allows you to have only one payment each month, and typically saves you a lot of money on interest. There are many types of debt consolidation loans, but the most popular are personal loans or home refinancing mortgages.

The Problem With Debt Consolidation Loan: Most often, those seeking this type of loans have horrible credit due to the debt they are trying to consolidate. Basically, it is a viscous circle: you have debt, you need to consolidate, you can not because your credit is bad, you can not clear up the credit because you have debt, so you need to consolidate, etc. Even if you can find someone to give you a consolidate debt loans, you may wind up paying so much in interest due to your bad credit score that you actually do not save any money by consolidating the debt.

So Why Get a Debt Consolidation Loan? Even though interest rates may be high and you may not save any money by getting a consolidation loan, you can still benefit from it. This is due to the way that credit scoring works. Items posted to your credit report as slow pays will remain on the report for up to seven years, even if you pay them. However, unpaid debt on your credit report severely lowers your credit score. Basically, even if you have slow pays on your credit report, you will have a better score if the item is paid off. Additionally, items renew the seven year mark each time you make a payment, so by paying the original creditor bit by bit, you are actually prolonging the amount of time that the slow pay will show on your credit report. Getting a debt consolidation loan to pay all of your current debts will raise your score a bit, and make it easier to clean up your credit faster.

Before You Get A Debt Consolidation Loan: Before taking on a debt consolidation loan, you need to take a close look at several factors. First, make a list of all of your current debt and the interest rates that you currently pay. Secondly, look at the types of debt consolidation loans you can qualify for, and make a list of all of the interest rates. Finally, total up the amount you will pay to clear the debt with and without the loan. This will help you determine if you will wind up paying more or less for your debt by consolidating. This is especially important if you have bad credit and are looking at very high interest rates.

A Consolidate Debt Loans Will Not Solve Everything: This is an important key to getting out of debt that many people ignore or do not understand. It is not enough to get a consolidation to clear up your debt. You have to examine how you got into debt in the first place. Typically, getting this far into debt is accomplished by spending more money than you make. In order to clear up your credit and stay out of debt after getting a consolidate debt loans, you need to take a close look at your expenses and income. Develop a budget and stick to it, using credit and credit cards as little as possible. This will help you to avoid having to get another debt consolidation loan within a year or two, as is common.

Debt Consolidation Loan – Relief From Multiple Lenders and Repayments

Normally when we lack money to cope up with our financial needs we go for loans. You may be having more than one loan. You may be worried of running from lenders to lenders for paying your personal loans. And even you may be facing the problem of paying monthly repayments and interest at more than one place. If you are in such a situation then you have a good choice for clearing all other loans by taking debt consolidation loan. So better use this opportunity to escape from tension of multiple loans and their repayments.
Debt consolidation loans are usually secured ones that means you need to put some property as collateral against the loan amount. So these loans have less interest rate than normal ones. So you can take advantage of clearing all your loans by single one having low interest rate. As paying a single loan at a fixed rate comes out to be economical instead of paying too many loans at varying high rates. Using debt consolidation loan you can solve all your problems regarding debt.

Features and figures of debt consolidation loan:
As stated earlier the prime motive of this loan is to clear all other loans so the amount is sufficient enough to close all your previous loans. Normally the loan amount ranges from £3000 to £50000. As debt consolidation loan is a secured loan hence the interest rates are low. The typical interest rate falls in range of 5 to 10 % APR. You can pay the loan over the period of 5 to 25 years through the monthly installments. If every thing goes right you will get loan amount with in 10 days.

You can use this loan as per your convenience for any reasons as follows – to clear your credit card bills, to pay overdrafts and even for personal works like buying new car. You can find a plethora of online lenders. Select which suits you the best, fill the form and apply for loan.

Debt consolidation loan is one the universal solution for all your financial problems. You can get huge amount loan at lower interest. You can use it for any reason but it is meant for consolidation of all your existing loans. So avail debt consolidation loans and clear all your financial problems.

Online Debt Consolidation Loans : Hassle Free Way to Strengthen you Finances


An online debt consolidation loan is a kind of loan that helps you manage all your loans into one single loan at a lower interest rate. Normally to get a debt consolidation loan you have to visit banks and financial institutions personally but this is not the case with online debt consolidation loan. Here you just have to search the Internet for the details of lenders. You can easily get the details like list of companies, interest rates offered, repayment option etc without visiting them personally. Online debt consolidation loans not only help you merge all your loans into one you can also get lower interest rates and flexible repayment options. To get an online debt consolidation loan you will have to place one of your assets as collateral. Placing collateral as security helps you to get online debt consolidation loans at even lower interest rates.


If you are looking for a debt consolidation loan and don’t want to take the pain of visiting each and every financial institutions and banks in person, online debt consolidation loans is the perfect solution for you. Online debt consolidation loans are helpful in many ways. It helps you to merge all your loans to a single debt consolidation loan. This way you don’t need to answer all your past creditors, instead you have to answer only your lender.
Online debt consolidation loans are hassle free with minimum of paper work required. You can get the details of hundreds of lenders effortlessly. Also you get many lenders to choose between.


To apply for online debt consolidation loan you just have to fill up an online application form. Applying online for a loan has many benefits. You don’t have to visit any bank or financial institution personally. Also you can also collect quotes from various financial institutions and choose the best one that suits your needs.

Risk and Benefit From Debt Consolidation Loan

Debt issue is a matter for many people. Survey results show that American households are carrying an average of $10,000 debt, mainly on credit cards debt. Paying back multiple debts have long stayed a headache for many debtors, and a debt consolidation loan has been a primary solution of this phenomena. While you can benefit from consolidating your multiple debts with a debt consolidation loan, there are some risks that you need to beware of and avoid yourself from these risks. This article will discusses some of the risks of debt consolidation loan, how to avoid it and how you can benefit from utilizing a debt consolidation loan to restructure your life financially.

The Risk of Debt Consolidation Loan

A debt consolidation loan is just another loan that acts simply as replacement of you multiple debts. It allows you to combine all your debts into single debt and pay off with a new loan.

Many debt consolidation loans lower your monthly payments by extending the loan repayment period but the new loan's interest rate remains the same with your old interest rate. Hence, if you calculate it carefully, you will end up with paying more in total interest. You can avoid this by carefully select your consolidation loan package that has reasonable low interest rate and a repayment term that enough to lower the monthly payment to your affordability. Don't take the maximum repayment term as you will end up with paying a lot more total interest.

A debt consolidation loan may causes you trap into more debts, why? A debt consolidation loan clears all your credit card debt and your credit cards are free and back to the maximum limit for uses again. Many debtors have forgot that their debt still remain, just change from credit card debt to a consolidation loan. They are very happy that their credit cards can be used again, the impulse purchases, temptation of spending without remembering that they still have a consolidation loan to be payoff, adding more balances into their credit cards and becomes their new debt when they can't pay it later.

Hence, you must commit to yourself to get out of debt and have a self discipline to control your expenses while repay your consolidation loan. The best way to avoid new credit card debt is terminating all your credit cards; if you enjoy the convenient of cashless payment, a debit card can serves the same purpose.

Benefits of Debt Consolidation Loan

A debt consolidation loan can help you to have a debt relief from your overwhelming debt issue. If your monthly debt payment has exceeded your financial affordability, a lower interest rate debt consolidation loan with a lightly longer repayment term can help you to lower your month repayment and bring your overdue debt to current status, saving your from additional finance charges.

If you want to get rid of debt, you need to be able to manage it properly; a debt consolidation loan allows you to combine all your debts into one for better debt management while you are working your way out of debt.

There are many cheap debt consolidation loans available due to the market competitive between lenders, you may find a good deal among them; Ask as many lenders as possible to send you their debt consolidation loan's details and carefully review each and every one of them before you finalize your choice.


A debt consolidation loan is a good option to get your debt into a control level while working out of it. You must be smart enough to utilize the benefits of debt consolidation loan in helping your to solve your debt problem and avoiding the potential risks of debt consolidation loan that may cause you into deeper debt issue.

Debt Consolidation Loans UK

Number of people suffering from multiple debts is increasing day by day in UK. This is mainly because people use many credit cards without knowing the high interest rate that banks charge for using them. It becomes difficult for them to manage all the debts with high rate of interest rates. Debt consolidation loans UK are specially designed to help people of UK to manage all their debts economically. Debt consolidation loans UK helps you merge all your debts into one with low rate of interest.


Debt consolidation loans UK can be availed in two forms; secured and unsecured debt consolidation loans UK. To avail a secured debt consolidation loan UK you’ll have to place collateral against the loan amount. This collateral can be any of your personal properties like car, home, bank account etc. with secured debt consolidation loans UK you can avail an amount ranging from £5,000 to £75,000 with repayment duration of up to 25 years. on the other hand no such collateral is required to avail an unsecured debt consolidation loan UK. But the loan amount that can be availed is comparatively lower than secured debt consolidation loans UK and can be up to £25,000, also the repayment duration is shorter and that is 10 years. If you are looking for bigger sum secured debt consolidation loans UK will suit your needs, but for people who want to avail less than £25,000 as loan unsecured debt consolidation loans UK is better option. The interest rate of secured debt consolidation loans is 7.9% APR, typical interest rate being 10.9%.


Debt consolidation loans UK are available online also. To apply for debt consolidation loans UK online you just need to fill an online application form. You can also search for various financial institutions, banks and lending firms who offer debt consolidation loans UK at competitive interest rate. Applying for a loan through Internet is very easy, hassle free and consumes less time.


There are many advantages of debt consolidation loans UK. It helps you to merge all your debts into a one with low interest rate. It is economical to pay one loan with fixed interest rate than paying many loans that too with high rates of interest. Debt consolidation loans can also be availed by tenants and paying guests because to no security is required to avail unsecured debt consolidation loans UK. Homeowners who don’t want to risk their property can also avail unsecured debt consolidation loans UK.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Consolidate Student Loan Debt: A Student Loan Debtor's Perfect Solution

Anyone who has been in a situation of trying to get from under debt probably knows there is no "perfect" solution to that dilemma any more than there is a perfect solution to a student loan debtor's dilemma. The best that can be hoped for is to find a consolidation loan that will allow the former student to enjoy a standard of life based on his or her degree and still be able to repay the numerous student loans that were required to finance that education.

That being said, you need to understand the term "student loan consolidation," which, like any other consolidation, means you take your debt and combine it into one, lower, easy monthly payment. The difference is that only student loans are qualified for a student loan consolidation; that means you can't pay off your credit cards, car, or furniture with a student loan consolidation.

Several different programs exist that allow students to consolidate student loans, but the best seems to be the Federal Student Loan Consolidation program. First, it has the lowest interest, varying from 1.5% to approximately 4.5% with payment terms of ten to twenty years. Depending on the amount of loans you have outstanding, taking a Federal Student Loan Consolidation can reduce your payments as much as 50% a month. Additionally, these loans do not require income verification or credit reports, so those who have just begun a new job or will soon and have bad or no-credit still qualify to consolidate their student loans.

Of course, there are other student loan consolidation programs available including the Direct Student Loan Consolidation, which requires a borrower to have at least one Direct Student Loan, a verifiable income, and no adverse credit to qualify. Another type is the Private Student Loan Consolidation, which, though not as attractive as the Federal Student Loan Consolidation, is feasible for the former student who is set in a job and has a means of support. These loans run for up to twenty, sometimes thirty years, depending on the lender. Though a somewhat higher interest rate averaging from 6-10%, they are still more attractive than the average consumer loan and allow the borrower to get from under his or her student loans and begin life as a tax-paying citizen.

A student just graduating from college feels overwhelmed, wondering how he is ever going to have any kind of a life with the payments on those student loans hanging over his head. Student Loan Consolidation Loans help ease the stress and worry over those loans and gives the student a chance to begin his new life within the scope of his chosen field. It means he or she can buy a car, rent an apartment or buy a house, and obtain financing for furniture and still be able to afford to make payments on all of those student loans. It may be a little difficult at first until the expected income starts coming in, but at least there is a future that will allow much of the stress to be lifted.

Easy Ways to Acquire Best Consolidation Student Loan Rates for College Goers

As college going students, many of us do strive to save some amount of pocket money and try to find good paying summer jobs. These little savings could actually make a lot of difference, when it comes to loan payments.

Students can also take advantage of consolidation loans with low interest rates. To find loan companies offering lowest consolidation interest rates is not an easy task. But, with modern facilities like quality search engines, the Internet and advertising websites with ready loan quotes, you can actually get approved for a fabulous consolidation loan package with minimum interest rates.

Ways to Acquire Best Consolidation Student Loans

The best way to get a great student consolidation loan rate is by possessing good bank credit. It will be very easy to apply for consolidation loans with low interest rates, if you have a credit score rating of more than 660 points. For medium credit scorers, you can acquire best loan deals after detailed search on the Internet for minimum FICO needed, so that you can assess your credit score accordingly.

Being conscious of your credit rating is one good way to double your chances to get best student consolidation loan interest rates. Self-examination of bank statements and records is a wonderful habit to determine your loan worthiness as a student. Basically, if a student has a poor FICO score of less than 600, getting an affordable and cost effective student consolidation loan rate quote could be a problem.

Consolidation Loan Interest Rate for Student Loans

The major factor about student loans is that it is an investment that you make for your future life; it is not a useless expense. Consolidating all your student loans will be lot more convenient and easier for you to pay the monthly installments. For example, if you have 3 individual loans, then all 3 could be consolidated into one large loan. Hypothetically, all 3 will be regarded as paid and a single new loan will begin in their places. You could also save, if you get an offer of a lower rate due to good credit history.

There are numerous financial institutions in the market that offer cheap consolidation student loans. You can apply for fixed consolidation loan rate, which means that you shall be paying a fixed interest rate till the time you pay off the entire loan. Even if the economic status of the country changes, interest rates remain unchanged in case of a fixed interest rate loan.

But, banks or financial institutions can change the fixed interest rates under extreme conditions. Defaulters for one or more repayments could be forced to pay increased interest rates.

Loan application for adjustable student loan consolidation interest rate is also considered by many financial firms. This consolidation loan rate student would be very low, but is subject to change depending on the inflation rate of the country’s economic status.

Why Student Loan Consolidation?

Why Student Loan Consolidation? Due to the rising cost of higher education, a large number of students have been forced to finance their education by getting student or education loans. While student loans are easy to get and come with the cheapest rates of interest, paying them off is not so easy for the vast majority of students who find themselves facing mountains of student loan debt.

People generally find it tough to pay back student loans because the loan installments are not calculated keeping in mind other types of student loan debt. Most students also accumulate a number of other loans like huge credit card bills and car loan, which also require financing upon graduation. The best way of getting out of this kind of debt trap is to go in for student loan consolidation. A student loan consolidation program can be a lifesaver for a student and can totally turnaround a negative student loan debt situation to one of good fortune.

There is no logical reason not to seek out student loan consolidation. By finding a student loan consolidation program that meets their personal student loan debt needs, students can avoid defaulting on payments which will leave a permanent red mark on life long credit history. This would make it difficult to get any kind of financing when necessary in the future. On the other hand, by undertaking student loan consolidation, there is the opportunity to easily reduce student loan debt or in some cases eliminate the student loan debt while obviously at the same time streamlining finances and budget. Most student loan consolidation programs also offer credit counseling, which will help you in managing your finances wisely in the future.

The student loan consolidation company pays off all of the student loan debt. This means that the student loan consolidation program payment will be the only payment obligation and can be paid off in easy monthly installments. Students have the option to pay back student loan consolidation charges over a period ten to thirty years. With student loan consolidation, student loan debt has been reduced or eliminated with future obligations becoming due at a time when more earning power is likely. To apply online for student loan consolidation where student loan debt lenders compete and where students can lower their monthly student loan debt payment up to 70 %, students.

Consolidate Student Loans - Why, How And When

A student should always, once through college, initiate steps to consolidate their student loans. This article details the benefits available to graduates, parents or students who take those steps.

The Consolidation of Student Loans Brings Reduced Payments

When a student gets all his or her loans under the same Social Security number, then the government will agree to consolidate those student loans. The student's individual loans are paid off, giving the student one large loan.

Moreover, when the government takes steps to consolidate student loans, it also takes two other important steps: It extends the loan and it lowers the loan rate.

There is not set way by which a loan provider can bring down the rate on a consolidated loan. A reputable loan provider carefully examines all the possible ways that a student's rate might be made lower.

The loan provider then establishes that low rate as the rate for a consolidated and extended loan.

The government's willingness to both extend the loan and to lower the rate can save students considerable money. Although the payment schedule has been extended, the person with the consolidated loan can feel free to pay the loan off ahead of schedule.

In other words, there is no prepayment penalty levied on those who make an early pay-off after choosing to consolidate student loans.

Two More Reasons to Consolidate Student Loans

It was mentioned above that the rate on a consolidated loan is lower than the rate on each of the original loans. Besides being lower, that rate is also fixed. The rate on a Stafford or Perkins Loan is variable.

The rate on a consolidated loan does not change during the course of the loan.

A student with a consolidated loan does not need to spend time keeping track of the payment schedule for two, three or more loans. That student loan recipient can just make a single monthly payment.

Often the student elects to make that single payment through an automatic debit. That can decrease the loan rate by another 0.25%.

Still Other Reasons to Consolidate Student Loans

Gradate students who consolidate student loans can learn then about fellowships and graduate school loans. Parents who consolidate their loans can search for free money or private loans. Those benefits come on top of the loan's lower interest rate.

When you consolidate student loans, you provide yourself with a chance to improve your credit score. No graduate wants to face credit problems that have been caused by his or her need to take out loans in order to cover college expenses.

In light of all the above benefits, students should ask this question:

Who Can Qualify for the Program to Consolidate Student Loans?

Before allowing a student to consolidate student loans, the government looks to see if the student or graduate owes $10,500 or more.