Thursday, September 17, 2009

Three Pros of Debt Consolidation

Unsecured debt in this country has run rapid over the last few decades. Easy access to credit (mostly credit cards) and effortless payment options at retailers has helped propel this growing trend.

If managed properly, this issue should not have an overly negative impact on individual household finances or on our country as a whole. One of the most important aspects of credit is that individuals or businesses can leverage continued and ongoing income to make purchases now that normally would take years to save for.

But, over the last 18 months of so, high individual debt burdens have not only place too large a weight on declining personal income but has adversely effect our economy at large.

Further, large personal insecure debt balances also dramatically reduce credit scores making it nearly impossible to secure other types of financing like home mortgages, automobile loans or durable goods purchases.

While nearly all banks and other financial institutions have tightened their lending policies, they continuously state that while they do want to make loans to small businesses, they are not seeing very many qualified borrowers (mostly due to credit issues).

There are several avenues for both business owners and individuals to improve their credit; like consumer credit counseling or bankruptcy, but most are extremely long term and do much more harm in the beginning than they do in helping current situations - with one exception: Debt Consolidation.

The following outlines three pro of debt consolidation:

1) Lower your overall payments – combine your unsecured debt into one, low, affordable monthly payment making it easier to manage current debt payments.

2) Free up personal cash flow –reducing your current outlays means more money each month that can be spent on other needed items like rent, food and other necessities for daily living or business growth.

3) Improve your credit score – all credit scores are predicated on the ability to manage credit. By consolidating debt, making payments on time and accelerating the reduction of outstanding principal demonstrates, above all else, an individual’s ability to manage credit.

Therefore, if you or your business is looking to improve your current situation, access additional credit and improve your life or your company – then debt consolidation may be your answer. Getting your debt under control and improving your credit can better position you for the new opportunities that are lingering on the near horizon – but you have to act now.

Take control of your unsecured debt and take back control of your life!

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